Last week, we gave you some tips on putting your tax refund to good use. (You can read that blog here.) One of our suggestions for your tax refund was to use it to treat yourself. You work hard all week long; you should use your weekends to reenergize yourself. Embracing weekends is one of the ways to keep from getting burnt out. (Read our blogs here and here on the burnout.) You want to make sure you are giving yourself what you need on the weekends.
Make the Best of Your Time
Weekends are short. They never seem long enough. That means you need to make it a priority to plan time for yourself, time for your friends and family, and time for you projects and hobbies. While it may work some weekends just to play it by ear, often finding the time to be with family and friends or go to that fascinating museum exhibit or whatever you want to do requires planning and time management. Otherwise, your weekends may slip by, and you feel like you haven’t done what you need to recuperate. Not sure what you want to fill your time with on the weekends? Find a hobby that excites you. Someone out there has the same interest as you, and there is probably a group for it. Start making a list of projects you want done around your home. Take care of yourself.
Weekend Trips
Take a quick weekend trip with friends or family. That hobby you found can led to weekend get-a-ways. Give yourself a complete weekend off. No errands, no house work, no working from home. Unplug and don’t take your work with you, if you can. Spend some time enjoying being with your family and friends or being adventurous by yourself. Give yourself permission to not have a constant to-do list. Travelling during the weekend can keep you from falling back into the habit of doing more work. Getting out of your normal space can leave you feeling invigorated.
Weekend trips are great; however, it is important to know your limits. Moderate in everything is key. It is great to get out and explore, but acknowledge that at times you just need a break. Even though we have talked about planning and making the best use of your weekend time, we also know it is important to throw that out the window some weekends. Sleep in. Have a couch day. All you can do some weekends is rest, and let your mind and body return to normal.
As we head into summer, it is important to keep these ideas in mind. You don’t want to get to the end of your summer and feel like you missed it all because you didn’t plan or didn’t relax. Use those weekends wisely!
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